The Mentalist vs. Castle

The Mentalist vs. Castle

I used to only watch The Mentalist TV show when both this show and Castle started appearing on my television set.  I gave Castle the normal five minutes of my attention when any new show that even slightly appeals to me starts.  I didn’t like Castle.  I thought it was...
Grey’s Anatomy, Second Fall 2012 Episode

Grey’s Anatomy, Second Fall 2012 Episode

This episode cleared up a lot of the questions from the first one of the season.  I think it was good, actually better than the first one.  It was somewhat confusing as the action started in one time frame and popped into another, sometimes before, sometimes after. ...
Grey’s Anatomy Opinion on First Show

Grey’s Anatomy Opinion on First Show

I saw THE SHOW.  Why the caps?  We wait for all of these shows that we like for what seems like an eternity to return from the dead and wake up, like a ghost getting her life back.  They aren’t showing the plane scenes again until next week.  Did they think they had...
Long Island Medium – again

Long Island Medium – again

Alright, so kill me.  I’m still watching her.  I don’t know what the pull of this show is, I’ve been trying to figure it out.  Last night I was watching the episode where her daughter gets into a car accident, actually two in one week.  Theresa (the medium and star of...
My Cat From Hell

My Cat From Hell

If you have cats you must watch this show, it is great.  It is more or less a reality show, and the main character (besides the cats) is Jackson Galaxy.  I say character because that is what he is.  Crazy earrings, long beard and wild tattoos adorn his body. ...

Long Island Medium

One Saturday, I was leisurely eating my lunch in front of the TV as usual, turning channels to try and something interesting to watch.  I found something on TLC with a woman named Theresa Caputo and her family in another reality show called Long Island Medium.  I am a...